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What Are The Advantages Of Heavy Protective Clothing?
- Dec 25, 2018 -

1. Material Material

Material thickness: Heavy chemicalprotective clothingis thicker than light chemical protective clothing.

B. Material types: Heavy chemicalprotective clothingis usually coated with flame-retardant cloth such as PVC, polymer chemical protective film, polyester fibers, etc. while light chemical protective clothing is coated with chloroprene rubber with flame-retardant cloth.

2. Color labeling

Heavy chemicalprotective clothingis usually standard yellow, while light chemical protective clothing is orange.

3. Sealing performance

Heavy chemical protective clothing has better sealing performance than light chemical protective clothing. The whole person is wrapped inside the chemical protective clothing. The air-tight zipper is used and double-layer adhesive tape is used. Lightweight chemical protective clothing generally protects the whole body, while the face needs to be equipped with a gas mask alone to protect against toxic substances.

4. Flexibility and Comfort

Heavy chemicalprotective clothingis bulky and completely enclosed, so wearing and unloading are usually two people at the same time, in addition, because of the particularity of the material, people wear very flexible.


ADD:No.181, Hongxing Road, Xiaoshan Economic & Tech, Development Zone, Hangzhou China




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